テーマ:「自分らしく生きるための力(キャリア) ~女性の経済活動への参画と自立~」
場所:早稲田大学国際会議場 井深大記念ホール
○JR山手線/西武新宿線 高田馬場駅 徒歩20分
○都営バス(学バス) 高田馬場駅~西早稲田 徒歩3分
○地下鉄東西線 早稲田駅 徒歩10分
○都電荒川線 早稲田駅 徒歩5分
午前の部 10:00-13:00
講師:内永 ゆか子(2010APECWLN実行委員会実行委員長/(株)ベネッセホールディングス取締役副社長/ベルリッツインターナショナルインク代表取締役会長 兼 社長 兼 CEO/NPO法人J-Win理事長)
モデレーター:村田 晶子(早稲田大学教授/早稲田大学男女共同参画推進委員会副委員長)
パネリスト:熊谷 真弓(更生施設「けやき荘」所長)
島田 京子(元日本女子大学事務局長/元日産自動車グローバル広報・IR 本部コミュニティ・リレーションズ担当部長)
坪田 秀子(お茶の水女子大学学長特命補佐/前日本ロレアル取締役副社長)
中山 弘子(新宿区長)
奈良 順子(有限会社スカイビジネス代表)
午後の部 14:00-16:30
パネリスト 熊谷 真弓/コー ディネーター 林 加奈子(桜美林大学助手)
パネリスト 島田 京子/コー ディネーター 新井 浩子(早稲田大学非常勤講師)
◆脱キャリア構築 ―「行き当たりバッチリ」で切り拓く―
パネリスト 坪田 秀子/コー ディネーター 安部 芳絵(早稲田大学非常勤講師)
パネリスト 奈良 順子/コー ディネーター 鴨川 明子(早稲田大学助教)
新宿区 URL http://www.city.shinjuku.lg.jp/kusei/index12_02.html
早稲田大学 URL http://www.waseda.jp/sankaku/
「第三世界の教育研究会」の会員向け告知板。月例研究会の案内をはじめ各種ご案内を掲載します。ツイッターもありますhttp://twitter.com/3rdworlded/ FBも始めましたhttps://www.facebook.com/3rdworldeducation
Earth Charter+10 Conference (CEE, India)発表者・参加者の募集
Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World
Earth Charter+10 Conference
“Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World,” a conference to be held
from 1-3 November, 2010 at CEE, Ahmedabad (India) will culminate the
EC + 10 events that are underway worldwide.
It aims to inspire the implementation of principles endorsed by the
Earth Charter that envisions a “global society founded on a shared
ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of
life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for
diversity, economic justice, democracy, a culture of peace” and to
create the appropriate backdrop for the application of these
principles―that have served as the guiding influence on the UN Decade
of Education for Sustainable Development―to efforts in the area of
Education for Sustainable Development.
In effect, the conference seeks to:
・ Strengthen efforts to make ESD central to education practices and training.
・ Clarify the role that the Earth Charter can play in Education.
・ Facilitate exchange of experiences related to application of the
Earth Charter to Education.
・ Build partnerships with the Earth Charter.
・ Develop a new vision for the Earth Charter for the forthcoming decade.
While the conference is structured around thematic workshops, we
invite participants to submit papers that address the conference
theme. The deadline for submitting abstracts/concept notes is August
30, 2010. For further information on the conference, guidelines and
deadlines for abstracts and papers, and information on possible
publication of accepted papers, please visit the conference website at
http://www.earthcharterplus10.org/index.html and the complete CFP at
http://www.earthcharterplus10.org/pdf/Call_for_papers.pdf . The
concept note and the paper need to be mailed to
ec+10papers@ceeindia.org . Information on the call for papers is also
attached to this email for easy reference.
Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World
Earth Charter+10 Conference
“Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World,” a conference to be held
from 1-3 November, 2010 at CEE, Ahmedabad (India) will culminate the
EC + 10 events that are underway worldwide.
It aims to inspire the implementation of principles endorsed by the
Earth Charter that envisions a “global society founded on a shared
ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of
life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for
diversity, economic justice, democracy, a culture of peace” and to
create the appropriate backdrop for the application of these
principles―that have served as the guiding influence on the UN Decade
of Education for Sustainable Development―to efforts in the area of
Education for Sustainable Development.
In effect, the conference seeks to:
・ Strengthen efforts to make ESD central to education practices and training.
・ Clarify the role that the Earth Charter can play in Education.
・ Facilitate exchange of experiences related to application of the
Earth Charter to Education.
・ Build partnerships with the Earth Charter.
・ Develop a new vision for the Earth Charter for the forthcoming decade.
While the conference is structured around thematic workshops, we
invite participants to submit papers that address the conference
theme. The deadline for submitting abstracts/concept notes is August
30, 2010. For further information on the conference, guidelines and
deadlines for abstracts and papers, and information on possible
publication of accepted papers, please visit the conference website at
http://www.earthcharterplus10.org/index.html and the complete CFP at
http://www.earthcharterplus10.org/pdf/Call_for_papers.pdf . The
concept note and the paper need to be mailed to
ec+10papers@ceeindia.org . Information on the call for papers is also
attached to this email for easy reference.
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